11182015 Good Friends Conversations

faithmiracleshappenPower Thought
Where there is HOPE, there is FAITH. Where there is Faith there is a MIRACLE!


The Power of God thru Radio!
I cannot even begin to explain the power of KSWP radio. I have listen to this station for years. When I lost my son in 2009 the music was part of my healing of the grief of loss. What a huge blessing it is to have an Awesome Radio Station. Thank You.

Flashback to 9-11!
I’m still trying to get a handle on the news of what happened in Paris last Friday. I had flashbacks to 9-11 and the devastation and utter disbelief in the unfolding of events. It sometimes make me fear for my family. Evil exists on Earth but God is stronger. I need that huge reminder because as most humans do I sometimes give in to worry and anxiety. Thank you for praying for me and my family.
————Good Friends Response——
You are not alone! Your fellow Americans and all who share this earth know how you feel! In our reading comments and reactions, your prayer follows the thoughts of many.

Now is not the time to despair. Now is the time to ask God to strengthen our faith, to move you and each of us beyond feelings and into movement because we trust Him and fully, sincerely, confidently know that His ways are THE answer to all that ails humanity. (If the world embodied the Sermon on the Mount, all our lands would be healed.) We know it. We believe it. We know that God is big enough and good enough to save us down here in this broken place, and we are actually Plan A to deliver His hope and love.

God, here is our faith. Make it stronger and use it for good and justice.”

How do you let your light shine in adversity?

“Festival of Trees” begins next week

The Museum of East Texas, next to the Pitser Garrison Convention Center in Lufkin, beams brighter than ever because of the festive specially decorated Christmas trees.

East Texas families, groups and businesses have decorated over a hundred and twelve (113) trees, plus KSWP and KAVX.

You’re family can enjoy the “Festival of Trees” beginning next week on November 23rd. (admission is free). Festival of Trees – November 23 through January 3, 2016. For More info click here.