Laughter is good for you!

They say laughter is contagious, but it’s 10 times more contagious when a baby is doing said laughing — and about 20 times more when that baby is Winston. A 1-year-old from Delaware has become quite the internet sensation this week after a clip of him uncontrollably laughing while practicing the alphabet with his dad, Pedro, went viral on social media.

In the adorable clips first shared by Pedro on Instagram, the father-son duo is seen hanging out at home and rehearsing the ABCs — well, two letters in particular. Every time Pedro flips a blue “W” cutout letter upside down to make it an “M” and vice versa, Winston giddily recites the letter while erupting into a continuous giggle capable of melting even the coldest of hearts. Shortly after Pedro blessed his Instagram followers with the precious video, it was reposted far and wide across the internet, even catching the attention of Kelly Clarkson, who shared it and interviewed the Moore family via video chat on her new daytime talkshow!

Pedro said he, his wife, Kiara, and Winston’s grandmother have incorporated similar lessons into the 1-year-old’s routine so he’s constantly learning and practicing. “Teachers always say learning doesn’t stop in the classroom [and] it should continue at home, so I wanted to put that in practice,” he told POPSUGAR via email, adding that the youngster is currently learning the alphabet in sign language at daycare. What a smartie pants!

Me Five Minutes Later

(via Amy Weatherly)
Me first thing in the morning: Good morning, baby. How did you sleep? Did you have the sweetest dreams? Gosh, I love you so much. … (Me ten minutes later)
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